



Air quality sensor and comfort measurement


Real-time monitoring & analysis
of ambient air quality



The LoRa IoT sensor range® / LoRaWAN™ Ambiance

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Air quality and comfort sensor

What are the features of the sensor Ambiance of Ewattch?

The sensor Ambiance is a multifunctional device that measures not only indoor air quality (CO2, VOCs), but also temperature, humidity, and brightness. It is ideal for use in offices, schools, hospitals, and other environments where comfort and air quality are essential.

What are the advantages of the sensor Ambiance of Ewattch?

  • Multifunctionality: In addition to measuring air quality (CO2, VOCs), the sensor monitors temperature, humidity, and brightness.
  • LoRaWAN connectivity: Long-distance data transmission, ideal for installations in large buildings or distributed sites.
  • Improved Comfort: Optimizes environmental conditions for better occupant well-being.
  • Ease of Installation: Designed for quick and easy installation, without disruption to current operations.
  • Energy Management: Helps reduce energy costs by automatically adjusting ventilation and air conditioning according to actual needs.

What is an air quality sensor and how does it work?

An air quality sensor is a device that measures different environmental parameters to assess indoor air quality. It can detect CO2 levels, temperature, humidity, and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs), among other things, to monitor and improve comfort and health in a given space.

The sensor Ambiance works by combining several advanced sensing technologies to measure different environmental parameters in real time. It integrates specific connected sensors to:

  • CO2 (Carbon Dioxide): Uses a non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) sensor to measure the concentration of CO2 in the air. This technology is renowned for its accuracy and long-term stability, which is essential for properly assessing ventilation and indoor air quality.
  • VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds): Incorporates a semiconductor sensor that detects the presence of various volatile organic compounds in the air, contributing to an overall assessment of indoor pollution.

The data collected by these sensors is sent via the LoRaWAN network, a long-range, low-power communication technology, to the EwattchCloud platform. This platform allows data to be centralized, analyzed and visualized in real time, thus offering continuous monitoring and optimized management of environmental conditions

Why is it important to monitor air quality?

Monitoring air quality is crucial to maintaining a healthy and comfortable environment. Poor air quality can affect the health of occupants, reduce productivity, and lead to higher energy costs due to inadequate ventilation. The sensor Ambiance allows you to monitor indoor air conditions in real time and adjust ventilation or air conditioning systems accordingly.

How do the different sensor features interact to optimize energy management?

The sensor Ambiance uses presence sensing technology to identify if a room is occupied. This makes it possible to optimize energy use with an automatic adjustment of lighting, air conditioning, or heating according to the actual occupancy. For example, lights can be turned off automatically when the room is unoccupied, reducing energy consumption.

How is brightness measurement useful?

Sensor measurement of ambient light Ambiance Allows you to adjust the interior lighting according to the available natural light. This improves visual comfort and helps to reduce energy consumption. For example, the sensor can dim artificial lights when there is sufficient natural light.

How does the sensor transmit the collected data?

The sensor Ambiance uses LoRa/LoRaWAN technology to transmit the collected data in real time to the EwattchCloud platform. This long-range, low-power connection ensures continuous monitoring without the need for a complex wired connection. Users can access the data through customizable dashboards, making it easy to track and manage indoor conditions.

In what types of environments does the sensor Ambiance Is it the most useful?

The sensor Ambiance is especially useful in indoor environments where air quality, light management, and presence detection are crucial. This includes offices, meeting rooms, schools, hotels, and any other space where occupant comfort and energy efficiency are priorities.

The sensor Ambiance Can it be integrated with other building management systems?

Yes, the sensor Ambiance is compatible with other Ewattch connected devices connected to the EwattchCloud platform. This allows for easy integration with other building management systems for overall monitoring and optimization of environmental conditions.

What is the lifespan of the sensor Ambiance And does it require a lot of maintenance?

The sensor Ambiance is designed to provide a long service life with minimal maintenance. Thanks to its robust design and the low power consumption of LoRa technology, the sensor operates reliably for many years with little intervention required. In addition, software updates can be performed remotely, making it even easier to manage the device.